Educators aim to create positive learning environments and guide experiences for each child in conjunction with their family. Educators will observe children and facilitate their learning to provide each child with an individualised portfolio by documenting their learning throughout the year. Children and their families will be encouraged to participate in the ongoing process to promote engaged learning.

Our service is committed to the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF).

Observations of all children enrolled in our service will be documented and kept for future reference and reflection, through use of electronic portfolios. Portfolios will be added to regularly and reflected upon by educators to ensure programming for each child remains relevant to their interests and developmental stage.

When your child is enrolled with us, a profile will be created for them on StoryPark and a link will be sent to your nominated email address for you to create a login. You will be able to view your child’s portfolio from home or on your mobile device.

Educators will upload a ‘day book’ for each room, which will include photos and a summary of the day for families to view.

The management team at Garfield will send notifications and announcements via StoryPark also, and families are encouraged to login and contribute to conversations with educators. 

The Early Years Learning Framework

  • Each child’s learning will be based on their interests and strengths and guided by our educators.
  • Educators must work in collaboration with families to provide relevant learning experiences for each child, based on their interests and family experiences.
  • Every child will be equally valued and their achievements and learning celebrated.
  • Educators will observe and record the strengths and learning of each child.
  • Educators will work closely with children and families to generate ideas for the curriculum.
  • Learning Outcomes will be linked to the curriculum during and after each child’s learning has occurred. The curriculum must not be pre-programmed to match specific Learning Outcomes.
  • The curriculum will be based on the children’s interests, educators extending children’s interests, spontaneous experiences and family input.
  • Where appropriate, the service will liaise with external agencies and support persons to best educate and care for children with additional needs.
  • Where appropriate, the curriculum (play and learning experiences) will build and develop each child’s Learning Stories, Portfolio and Observations of each child’s strengths and achievements.
  • The curriculum will be evaluated and reflected upon each week by educators.

Learning and Play

  • Children are encouraged to express themselves creatively through a wide variety of indoor and outdoor activities.
  • Children’s fine and gross motor skills are strengthened and developed through a wide variety of both indoor and outdoor activities including manipulative play, block play, sensory play, dramatic play, drawing and other physical activities such as running and skipping.
  • Mathematics and science concepts along with exploration of natural aspects of our environment are encouraged through block play, building, cooking, water play, sensory play, collecting natural materials such as leaves and rocks and gardening.
  • Language development is encouraged through educators modelling language, show and tell, story time, games, poems and dramatic play experiences.
  • Social/emotional and independence skills are strengthened through activities such as role-play, dramatic play, group games and self-help tasks.
  • Music and movement activities encourage physical, social and creative areas of a child’s development.
  • Road safety, hygiene, dental care and nutrition will all be built into the weekly program.

These activities will be supervised and guided by educators to find out how each child responds as an individual and also as part of a group. Educators will work in conjunction with families to provide learning experiences that are relevant to each child and tailored to their specific needs. A child’s home language, culture and religious practices will be accepted and included in the program.

From this, educators will assess the child’s needs and plan ways to meet these needs. We evaluate this program every week in order to make sure we stay on target and help each child to reach their full potential. The weekly program will be displayed in the room it takes place in. We welcome any suggestions and are happy to answer questions from family members at any time.

EYLF Learning Outcomes

  1. Children have a strong sense of identity.
  2. Children are connected with and contribute to their world.
  3. Children have a strong sense of wellbeing.
  4. Children are confident and involved learners.
  5. Children are effective communicators.